
BiBi the Vinyl Art Toy!

Created by Rap1993

The cheeky little chibi bear that goes on adventures with you!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Bibi is almost finished!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jul 09, 2021 at 04:12:10 PM

So good news everybody! All the BiBi from the order are being assembled and then soon after will go on to the process of being prepared to be shipped! I’ll be sure to make an update when she arrives and inspected the order to make sure everything is accounted for 😊

And another update, all the rewards from the Kickstarter have also been made and are waiting for BiBi, and I should be able to begin shipping by early August if things go smoothly as planned 👍🏽

I’m so excited everyone! You’ll soon be able to have your own BiBi very soon! 😍

Pastel Panda sample is here!
over 3 years ago – Sat, May 29, 2021 at 11:14:32 PM

Happy Friday everyone! The sample of BiBi’s Pastel Panda variant has just arrived! 😍

Almost every color is perfect, I was very worried about the purple color would look off since it took me a long time to find the right Pantone for it, and they seem to have got it perfectly, however, I can’t say the same for the skin and the blue color of the stockings….😅There wasn’t a Pantone that I could find for them could match for my colors despite me really trying hard to find it (I always have this problem because I use a lot of vibrant colors 🥲). But that’s alright! This is what production samples are for to find these things and correct them!

The solution they gave me for this is that I’ll be sending the manufacturer a physical painted sample of the colors needed for the this variant. Once they receive it, everything will be right as rain and then we will go full production for both variants! I’ll be sure to share pics of the production once I get them 😊

Also, while I’m here, I’ve noticed that there are still a handful of people who have not answered their Backerkit surveys, be sure to fill that out so that way I will be able to ship your order when it’s ready!

All rewards + BiBi are currently in production!
over 3 years ago – Sun, May 02, 2021 at 02:05:20 AM

As the title says, all the rewards from the kickstarter campaign are currently in production! As for BiBi, my manufacturer is working on casting the copies of BiBi and a sample of the Pastel Panda variant to confirm the colors for production, I’ll be sure to share it when it comes👍🏽

From here updates are going to be a little bit slow due to not much will be going on for a little while while everything is being made, but as soon as any updates I’ll be sure to share them and we are currently on schedule as planned!

I can’t wait to see Bibi finished 💕

Backerkit Reminder!
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Mar 29, 2021 at 06:38:08 PM

First I want to say, thank you to everyone who completed their Backerkit survey! But we still have some more to be completed!

Please check your inbox and junk folder for your survey! If you can’t find the email, you can use the link below to find your survey by putting in your email you chose from the Kickstarter

Find your survey here:

Please remember, I can’t ship your order if I don’t have your survey completed!

Thank you!

Backerkit surveys have now been sent out!
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Mar 22, 2021 at 07:30:51 PM

Sorry took a little while, but good news! Backerkit surveys have been now sent out!

With the surveys, you’ll be able to complete your order information, put in your shipping address and pay for shipping, and you’ll be able to add on any additional rewards to your order, including BiBi still at the discounted rate for everyone who backed during campaign! For those who were not charged yet due to incorrect card information, the Backerkit surveys can still be your way of paying for your reward and shipping 👍🏽

Please check your inbox to complete your survey because, without your survey, I can’t get your order information down and will delay your shipment when your items are ready!

Super excited to see that we’re on the next step of this journey!