
BiBi the Vinyl Art Toy!

Created by Rap1993

The cheeky little chibi bear that goes on adventures with you!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We made it everyone! + Backerkit update
almost 4 years ago – Tue, Mar 09, 2021 at 08:07:40 PM

Thank you so much for everyone who helped make my first kickstarter a success! I’m so happy to see that not only have we reached the initial goal, but going past it to fund BiBi to be distributed! I’m so thankful for everyone who backed and shared my campaign! 🥺💕

And although I was not able to fund a stretch goal during the campaign, I’ve decided that after a successful Kickstarter, I will do one more variant for preorder as a celebration for a complete funding! The Pastel Panda variant will be available for pre-order as a add on or if your reward tier includes BiBi, you’ll be able to choose between the original variant and the Pastel Panda variant👍🏽

Backerkit surveys will be sent out in a week with the ability add on any extra rewards from the campaign and complete your shipping info, so be sure to keep an eye out for that survey to finish off your order to get your campaign rewards!

Stay tuned for more info and when backerkit surveys will be sent out!

almost 4 years ago – Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 08:06:13 AM

Thank you everyone who has backed my first Kickstarter campaign so far to get BiBi produced and everyone who has shared my campaign! We made it to the goal within a week of starting the campaign and I’m seriously blown away!! I really couldn’t have done it without you all! 🥺💕

I can’t wait to see how much further we can go and hopefully unlock the other variants of BiBi as we keep going!!

Thank you everyone for your support for making this possible 💕